Ana Hermínia
Vilarigues Simões Torres
1945, Dondo, Kwanza Norte, Angola
Ana Hermínia Vilarigues Simões Torres
final exam / graduation project
Study of the musseques, spatial organisation and housing, Luanda, Angola
work in Africa
(after 1972)
* Family lived in Angola
practice & partnerships
Trainee at the Urban Planning Department of Luanda (1972); after independence became Head of the Department of Architecture of the Buildings Directorate of the Ministry of Construction and Housing
other activities
Ana Torres, Angolan architect was born in Dondo (Kwanza Norte, Angola) in 1945, and died in 2006. She was one of the first Angolan women to graduate in architecture at the Lisbon Fine Arts School during the colonial period. Returning to her country, she worked with the architect Vasco Vieira da Costa, founder of the Architecture degree course at Agostinho Neto University (UAN) and author of the first modern public work in Luanda (Quinaxixe Market, 1951-1958). After independence in 1975 Torres became quite active assuming prominent positions in different Angolan Public Works departments. During the 1970s she was director of the Department of Architecture at the Directorate of Buildings and an architect at Luanda City Municipality. She collaborated with the Cuban architect Ochora , in the transformation of Cine-Teatro Restauração (Luanda, João and Luís Garcia de Castilho, 1946-1952) into a People's Assembly. Among her latest works was the renovation of the late 1960’s colonial project, the Headquarters of the National Electricity Distribution Company in Luanda in 1997.
(Ana Vaz Milheiro, 2021)