WomArchStruggle Team
Ana Vaz Milheiro, PI
FAUL / Dinâmia’CET – Iscte, Lisbon (PT)
Assistant Professor with Aggregation at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon. Coordinator of the ERC Advanced Grant “ArchLabour - Architecture, Colonialism and Labour (…)” (2024-28). Chair of the Cost Action CA18137 “European Middle-Class Mass Housing” (2019-23). Integrated PhD researcher at Dinâmia'CET and researcher at African Studies Center, University of Porto. Former IIAS Fellow (Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem), from the research group “Re-Theorizing Housing as Architecture Research” (2019-2020).
Leonor Matos Silva, Co-PI
Dinâmia’CET – Iscte,
Lisbon (PT)
Assistant researcher at Dinâmia'CET, Iscte-IUL. Co-Principal Investigator of the funded R&D project “WomArchStruggle”. Former post-doctoral research fellow and researcher within the funded R&D project “MCMH – Middle-Class Mass Housing in Europe, Africa and Asia”. Member of the COST-Action “Making Young Researchers’ Voices Heard for Gender Equality (VOICES), as well as the COST-Action “European Middle-Class Mass Housing (MCMH-EU)”, wherein she held a Grant Holder Manager position.
Mary McLeod
Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation, Columbia University, New York (USA)
Mary McLeod is a professor of architecture at Columbia University, where she teaches architecture history and theory. Her research and publications have focused on the history of the modern movement and on contemporary architecture theory, examining issues concerning the connections between architecture and politics. She is the editor of and contributor to the book Charlotte Perriand: An Art of Living, as well as the co-editor of Architecture, Criticism, Ideology and the website Pioneering Women of American Architecture.
Patrícia Pedrosa
Architect, researcher, teacher, feminist, activist, and mother. Assistant Professor (University of Beira Interior). Researcher at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies (ULisboa). Researcher in charge of the project W@ARCH.PT - Women architects in Portugal. Co-founder and Vice-President of the Women in Architecture (Portugal). Young Researchers in Art Studies Award (FCG) and UBI Pedagogical Innovation Award. Main research themes: Housing, History of Women Architects, Architecture, Cities and Gender.
Ana Canas
Overseas Historical Archive
- AHU, Lisbon (PT)
Research fellow at the Centro de História, ULisboa, and director of the Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino, DGLAB. Member of research projects on Portuguese colonial archival heritage. She has been teaching at FLUL, ULisboa and at FCSH, NOVA and participating in juries of academic degrees (Modern History, Information Studies, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage). Her main fields of research concern Archival Studies and History.
Beatriz Serrazina
CES-III, U. Coimbra (PT)
Dinâmia’CET – Iscte,
Lisbon (PT)
PhD student (CES/III-UC). Master’s in Architecture (FAUL, 2016). Her research interests span the production of colonial space in Africa, architectural and planning history, circulation of knowledge, and (post)colonial heritage. She is a Research fellow in the projects “ArchWar” and "WomArchStruggle" (DINÂMIA’CET-Iscte), both funded by FCT.
Inês Lima Rodrigues
​Dinâmia’CET – Iscte
Lisbon (PT)
Architect and assistant researcher at Dinâmia'CET at Iscte-IUL. She has been involved in several I&R projects. CO-IR in the "MCMH – Middle Class Mass Housing in Europe, Africa and Asia" project and leader of WG1 of the Cost Action CA18137. She was awarded research grants from FCT and MEE to complement her degree in Architecture (FA-UTL, Lisbon 2002), as well as her PhD in modern housing, and her Post-Doctorate on Angolan modernity. She is currently a researcher on the "ArchWar" and "WomArchStruggle" projects funded by FCT.
Filipa Fiúza
CES-III, U. Coimbra (PT)
Dinâmia’CET – Iscte,
Lisbon (PT)
Architect (ISCTE-IUL, 2010) and PhD student (CES/III-UC). Researcher at DINÂMIA'CET-IUL. Co-IR of the project ArchWar. Fellow researcher in several projects related to Middle-class housing and architecture and urbanism in the former Portuguese colonial African countries. Visiting researcher in the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture - Ghent University (Nov. 2015-Jan. 2016).
Maria Alice Correia
IPGUL; Lusíada University, Luanda (AO)
Graduated in Architecture from Agostinho Neto University (1996), Master (2012) and PhD (2018) from USP. She works at the Institute of Urban Planning and Management of Luanda, University Professor at the Lusíada-Luanda. Researcher in partnerships, member of the African Union of Architects, International Union of Architects, International Society of city at Regional Planners and the Portuguese Language Architects Council.
Francesca Vita
Dinâmia’CET – Iscte
Lisbon (PT)
Designer, researcher and professor. She holds a PhD from the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Porto. Her research focuses on colonial legacy in contested contexts and domestic space. In 2022, she received the IASTE's Eleni Bastea Award and currently she integrates the DINÂMIA’CET Research Centre of the Iscte, Lisbon.
Patricia Noormahomed
University of Basel (CH)
Swiss Government Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Urban Studies at the University of Basel. Architect and PhD in Architectural Heritage (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). Former lecturer at Universidade Wutivi and visiting researcher at Habiter-Study Center (Université Libre de Bruxelles). Research interests: architecture of the 20th century, modern heritage, and urban habitat.